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  2. Header of each document:
  3. <profileDesc>
  4. <particDesc>


In this section we indicate those persons who have taken part in the composition of the text, primarily the author. Several people can be added (an editor, a compiler, a scholiast, etc.).

The <person>, with the attribute @role attribute indicating the nature of their authorship: author, editor, etc.

Example of author, with some data filled out and other information simply describing what content is expected to be found:

	<person role="author" xml:id="statius">
		<persName xml:lang="la">P. Papinius <name>Statius</name></persName>
		<birth notAfter="0045">45 d.C.</birth>
		<death notAfter="0096">96 d.C.</death>
		<residence>Lugar o lugares donde vivió</residence>
			<langKnown tag="la">Latín</langKnown>
		<education>Educación recibida</education>

There are data that may be mutually exclusive: we list them all here so that for each edition those that are of interest can be chosen in each case. It is not necessary for them all to appear. For example, the dates of birth and death can be replaced by the <floruit> if only that date is known. But you can put all of them, if you have suspicions about them all and if tradition has also preserved the <floruit> .

In the labels indicating dates, we use the attributes described in the capítulo dedicado a <date>.


In the <person> > tag we have to place an @xml:id that identifies it so as to be able to refer to it from other parts of the edition or commentary. It is best to make it something short and easy to remember.

The rest of the tags are optional, although it is useful to complete as many as possible, so that combined searches can subsequently be made. For example, to search for a particular text in Christian authors, or in authors who have received a certain kind of education.

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