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  2. Header of each document:
  3. <fileDesc>
  4. <sourceDesc>


This section is very important, since we give an account of the reference edition or editions we are using to compose our text, the sources for the translations and commentaries, and, above all, the conspectus siglorum that will be referred to in the critical apparatus, plus the fundamental bibliography that you wish to cite, both in the apparatus and in the commentary. conspectus siglorum que aparecerán referidos en el aparato crítico y la bibliografía fundamental que deseéis citar, tanto en el aparato como en el comentario.

It will therefore contain only bibliographic lists <listBibl> and sigla lists <listWit>. There may be more than one of each type, depending on the needs of the edition, and, especially if there are several, we will need to identify them with an @n (name) attribute in order to distinguish them.


It is important always to insert a first <listBibl> with the reference editions that have been used for editing, and a second <listBibl> for translations, if they are not original. But there may be more.

It has the following structure:

<listBibl n="refeditions">
	<head>Ediciones de referencia</head>
		<editor role="ed.">Hall, J.B., Ritchie, A.L &amp; Edwards, M.J.</editor>
		<title level="m">P.P. Statius. Thebaid and Achilleid</title>

We need to give a name (@n) to each bibliography list:

  • @n="refeditions": for the critical reference editions we include in our edition. Each editor will decide which edition or editions to use.
  • @n="reftranslations": for translations that are going to be reproduced, whether a translation or translations already published elsewhere. If a new translation is published, it will be indicated as such in the <respStmt> of the <titleStmt>.

It is important always to use these @n for lists of editions and reference translations, since they need to appear in a special format in the final publication of the editions.

But all editions may add other bibliography lists if desired, especially if they are going to be cited in the commentary or are considered important to be included in the edition. Each of these lists can be labelled with the @n of your choice.

As you can see, here it contains two tags:

  • <head>: this is the head or title of the list. We also use <head>, (heading), in other parts of out editions. It is necessary to indicate it here, since those lists will be published along with the edition. For each <listBibl> that we need it will be necessary to indicate a title that clearly explains what this bibliographic list contains ( onlinereferences, complementary bibliography, textual commentaries, etc.).
  • <bibl>: represents each of the cited bibliographic references that make up the list. See the chapter on Bibliographic References to see its structure and the citation rules of our editions.


The lists of witnesses (list of witnessesare among the most important parts of our editions, and they are explained in their corresponding chapter.

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