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The witness list:

The list of witnesses or <listWit> , which forms part of the <sourceDesc>, contains the lists of manuscripts, codices, fragments, papyri and bibliography to be cited in the critical apparatus of our edition.

It is appropriate to create a different list for each type of witness, and add to each one its own descriptive header ( <head>). For example:

<listWit n="codetfrag">
	<head>Codices et fragmenta</head>
	<witness xml:id="D">
		<abbr type="siglum">D</abbr>
		codex Collegii S. Iohannis apud Cantabrigienses D 12 saec. X/XI
	<witness xml:id="cett">
		<abbr type="siglum">cett.</abbr>
		ceteri codices aut omnes praeter eos qui separatim laudantur
	<witness xml:id="N">
		<abbr type="siglum">N</abbr>
		codex Genauensis Bodmerianus (olim Cheltoniensis) saec. X/XI
		<listWit copyOf="#N">
			<witness xml:id="Nac">
				<abbr type="siglum">N<hi rendition="simple:superscript">ac</hi></abbr>
				codex Genauensis Bodmerianus (olim Cheltoniensis) saec. X/XI
					<desc>lectio codicis ante correctionem</desc>
			<witness xml:id="Npc">
				<abbr type="siglum">N<hi rendition="simple:superscript">pc</hi></abbr>
				codex Genauensis Bodmerianus (olim Cheltoniensis) saec. X/XI
					<desc>lectio codicis post correctionem</desc>

<listWit n="laudata">
	<head>Opera in apparatu laudata</head>
	<witness xml:id="Alton1923">
		<abbr type="siglum">Alton 1923</abbr>
			<author>Alton, E.H.</author> 
			<title level="a">Notes on the <title>Thebaid</title> of Statius</title>
			<title level="j">CQ</title>
			<biblScope unit="vol">17</biblScope>
			<biblScope unit="pp">175-187</biblScope>
	<witness xml:id="Gronouius1653">
		<abbr type="siglum">Gronouius 1653</abbr>
			<editor role="ed.">Gronouius, F.</editor>
			<title level="m">P. Papinii Statii Opera</title>

As can be seen in the example, the <listWit> are composed of an initial <head> which describes what the list contains (like the <listBibl>), followed by each of the witnesses or <witness> to be cited in the critical apparatus.


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