The Critical Apparatus of the Edition

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The Critical Apparatus of the Edition

All the editions published in our Bibliotheca are accompanied by a critical apparatus of succinct textual variants, taken from our reference edition and completed with any other notable editions that each editor considers appropriate. It could also be a new edition, prepared from scratch by the digital editor.

We do not add apparatus of sources. If the text is to be compared with another source, model or later influence, the notes added to the translation should be used as part of the commentary.

In principle, these will be negative critical apparatuses, and we will only include manuscripts and testimonies that document a reading other than the one offered as a lemma.

The apparatus will be included only in the <text> that includes the original text of our edition. In translations we will only add the commentary and explanatory notes.

To indicate this apparatus we use the standard tags established by the TEI Consortium, namely the <app> tag for each apparatus entry, which will always contain the lemma with <lem> plus the different readings of the manuscripts and authorities with <rdg>. See the chapter corresponding to each of these regarding their syntax.

These <app> tags will always be inserted at the appropriate point in the original text. This allows us to present them on screen in the form of a pop-up window at the precise corresponding point in the text.


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