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  2. Header of each document:
  3. <fileDesc>
  4. <editionStmt>


In the <editionStmt> we have explained what our edition consists of and who are responsible for its tagging and digital publication.

It has the following structure:

	<edition>Edición digital anotada, con traducción española e inglesa en paralelo</edition>
		<resp>Conversión a XML-TEI, etiquetado inicial, y corrección de código:</resp>
		<name xml:id="romano">Sandra Romano</name>
		<resp>Revisión y corrección de código</resp>
		<name corresp="#Criado">Cecilia Criado</name>

It only contains two tags:

  • <edition>: contains a descriptive text of our edition, which will vary depending on the language of the translation(s) to be published, or the elements to be added. For example, when glosses or other elements are added in the future, this should be indicated here. It is a succinct and informative description of what can be found when opening this document.
  • <respStmt>: See the structure of thisThe tag <resp> in this case indicates the type of digital responsibility that the person has, following the model of the examples above. You can indicate as many responsible people as necessary.

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