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  2. Header of each document:
  3. <profileDesc>
  4. <creation>


We give here the date of composition of the work (even if it is approximate), the place where it was published, and the language in which it is written. We write it in Spanish.

A complete example:

	<date notAfter="0092" notBefore="0091">91–92 d.C.</date>

As we can see, it has three tags: <date>, <lang> and <placeName>.


For the date node, <date>, you can put the date of composition of the work that you consider most accurate, with standard texts or numbers or whatever is most convenient. However, one must be as precise as possible with attributes within the tag, so that we are able to classify our works in chronological order. We will see that the same thing occurs with the dating of authors.

The syntax of the dates is fixed, see the detailed description of the tag tag in the corresponding chapter.


The <lang> tag indicates the language in which the text is written. The most common possibilities are Latin and Ancient Greek. But you can specify whatever is necessary, with Attic, Doric, Koine, Archaic Latin, Classical Latin, etc.

If a work contains texts in several languages, they should be indicated here, repeating the <lang> tag for each one.


This tag here indicates the place where the work we are editing is known or believed to have been published or composed.

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