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Structure of a Fragmentary Text

Editions of fragmentary texts usually include the context in which each fragment has been preserved, so it will usually be necessary to cite the work that contains the fragment and reproduce the specific passage. Other extra information about the passage may also be given in the form of notes (cf. <note>).

We will therefore continue to use the system of <div> divisions with the usual attributes (cf. Structure of a Prose Text)for each book and fragment preserved, but in each one, in addition to the text of the fragment, we can also include a <cit> (cited quotation) that includes the bibliographical reference (<bibl>) and the quoted text (<quote>). To learn more about the internal structure of this tag and its components, cf. Quotations.

Thus, an edition of a fragmentary Greek text in verse would have the following structure:

<text type="source" xml:lang="grc" xml:id="grc">
		<div n="1" type="book" xml:id="grc.1">
			<head>Thebaidis reliquiae ex libro primo</head>

			<div type="fragment" n="1" xml:id="grc.1.1">
					<bibl><title>Schol. Ad <hi>Il.</hi></title> l.1d, 1.5 Erbse</bibl>
					<quote>ἄειδε: ὅτι κατὰ τὴν ποιητικὴν ἤτοι ἄδειαν ἢ συνήθειαν λαμβάνει τὰ προστακτικὰ ἀντὶ εὐκτικῶν· καὶ γὰρ Ἡσίοδός φησι (opp. 2)· „δεῦτε δὴ ἐννέπετε,“ καὶ Πίνδαρος (fr. 150 Sn.)· „μαντεύεο Μοῦσα“, AT καὶ Ἀντίμαχος ὁ Κολοφώνιος (fr. 1 Μ.)· „ἐννέπετε - θύγατρες“.</quote>

				<l n="1">Ἐννέπετε, Κρονίδαο Διὸς μεγάλοιο θύγατρες</l>


			<div type="fragment" n="2" xml:id="grc.1.2">
				… Contenidos del fragmento 1.2 …
		… Resto de libros …

If the fragmentary text is in prose, simply replace the <l> (verse) tags with <p> (paragraph) tags, as in all other prose texts, cf. <p>.

The numbering of the verses will be done, as always, with the attribute @n, and will respect the numbering established in our base edition (cf. <l>).

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